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rules & regulations

The following rules were designed so that each student is aware of the expectations that we place on them. STBS staff is concerned not only with academic performance but also with the development of Christ-like character. Please carefully read over and familiarize yourself with each rule before applying to STBS.


































































































































































All students are required to obey the school’s rules, regulations, administration, and counselors. All instructions given to them by the administration, and counselors.


​Students must respect the upbringing, views and opinions of others.


Students are required to provide a written excuse for any absence from class. The reason must be specific and acceptable.


All students are required to be punctual and arrive on time to all in-school and after-school activities and events.


Students are required to attend ALL in-school and after-school activities. Attending the local church, Slavic Pentecostal Church, is mandatory.


Students are not allowed to go outside without direct supervision of a counselor.



Students must remain in their assigned cabins. Students must NEVER enter other cabins.

Students may not be in the pool area without a counselor.


Students are not permitted to explore the campgrounds without a counselor.


Students must stay with their designated group.


Students cannot bring their electronic devices for the duration of the camp.

Students cannot bring lighters, matches, fireworks, firecrackers, knives, guns, or aerosol cans of any kind.

Students are not permitted to bully, prank, or play any practical jokes on their fellow classmates, counselors, or administration. 


Students are not permitted to leave their cabins after curfew.

Students are not permitted to enter the kitchen or other restricted areas.




Students are not to disturb the discipline established by the instructor, administration, or counselors.


Students are required to complete and submit all assignments given by the instructor or administration by the set deadline. Points will be deducted for all late submissions.


Cell phone use is strictly prohibited. All cell phones must be submitted before devotions to the designated location.

Students cannot change their assigned seats in class without permission.


Leaving the classroom during class time is not allowed. Students will have 10-minute breaks between class periods.


Eating or drinking is strictly prohibited in the classroom.


The following is forbidden in a classroom:

  • Talking and disturbing others during lectures.

  • Sleeping during lectures.

  • Listening to music during class.

  • Using ANY electronic devices during lectures.


Students are responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of the school building. Those on duty are responsible for the general cleanliness of the classroom, kitchen, hallways, and restrooms.




During the course of the school semester, students are not allowed to date. This only distracts from the student’s studies and the purpose of being at STBS.


Conduct that is strictly prohibited between ladies and gentlemen:

  • Holding hands.

  • Sitting on each other's lap.

  • Hugging.

  • Kissing.

  • Giving massages.

  • Swimming together.

  • Having sexual relations.

  • Sitting together on the bus during trips.


Behavior that is strictly prohibited:

  • Use of vulgar words or expressions.

  • The use of physical force in resolving arguments.

  • Theft.

  • The use of alcohol.

  • The use of tobacco.

  • The use of recreational drugs or narcotics.


Students are not allowed to:

  • Listen to non-Christian music.

  • Watch movies that are unacceptable in Christian surroundings.

  • Visit pornography sites or inappropriate pages.

  • Occult practices.


Cheating on exams and any other in-class or out-of-class assignments is strictly prohibited. Lying is unacceptable.


It is forbidden to post inappropriate pictures online during the school semester.



Every student is responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of the room or dorm house, which they are provided to live in.

According to school curfew: students must be home no later than 10PM.

Student must spend the night only in their assigned housing arrangement.


Organizing gatherings or parties without the approval of administration is strictly prohibited.




Students must abide by the following dress code in school and in church:


Ladies: Church

  • Are not allowed to wear pants.

  • Skirts must be below the knee and without a high slit (longer than 2 inches).

  • Shirts must have sleeves. Absolutely no tank-tops, or spaghetti.

  • The neckline of any blouse or dress may not show cleavage.

  • Flip flops are not allowed.


Ladies: Sports and Trips

  • May wear capris or pants.

  • Should have comfortable sneakers for sports.

  • When swimming, must wear a tank top and shorts over bathing suit. Should not be see through when wet.


Gentlemen: Church

  • Must wear khaki pants, or dress pants. Absolutely no shorts, sports pants, or ripped jeans.

  •  Shirts must have a collar. Absolutely no t-shirts or sleeveless shirts.

  • Hats are prohibited indoors.

  • Dress shoes should be worn to church; sneaker may be worn in class.

  • Flip flops are not allowed.


Gentlemen: Sports and Trips

  • May wear jeans.

  • Should have comfortable sneakers for sports.

  • Shirts must have sleeves. Shirts must stay on at all times.

  • When swimming, swimming shorts are required.


Throughout the semester, students are not allowed to do the following at school, school-related activities, church, home or in dorm houses:

  • To wear earrings, rings, extravagant decorations or any other type of jewelry.

  • To change their hair color or have eccentric hairstyles.

  • To wear colored nail polish.


Students are required to wear their own nametags every day during class and may NOT write on them.


Students hold a financial obligation for any damages to school inventory, school or church property, place of lodging or school transportation.


The school does not bear any responsibility for medical costs associated with illness, medical condition, trauma, or automobile accident.


If a student withdraws from school for any reason or if the student is expelled, he/she will not receive a tuition refund.


For every violated rule or regulation, the student will face appropriate disciplinary actions. Once the student receives a written warning, parents will be notified. The written warning will be permanently placed in the student’s file. After receiving three written warning, the school reserves the right to expel the student without a tuition refund. Administration has the right to contact the student’s parents.


Remember that in the case of an outright violation of Christian morals and Biblical principles with behavior such as fornication, deceit, theft, alcohol, tobacco and drug use, the administration reserves the right to expel offenders immediately, without warning and tuition refund.



christian morals

housing & transportation

dress code

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